Dear Parents and Carers,
Today your child will come home with a letter about the Website/App 'Teach Your Monster to Read'. We have created accounts for the children that you can use at home, in order to revise the phonics (sounds) that we are teaching in school. The letter has your child's username and password, along with instructions on how to access this resource. The website is free but the App usually comes with a price - however, until Tuesday, 22nd September, it is free to download as an App on your device.
This is not compulsory but we would highly recommend this as a fun, educational way of consolidating the children's phonics at home. We would advise that you play the game in conjunction with the 'Active Literacy' programme that we are covering in class. The weekly 'Homework Diary' sheet lists the sounds that we do each week.
Our 'Google Classrooms' are now up and running and we are posting regular updates with photos of the children's learning. Thank you to everyone who has joined already. If you haven't joined yet and are having any difficulties, please let us know so that we can provide support. We will continue to use the Google Classroom to communicate information about the children's learning and school life.
Thank you in advance for your support with this - it is much appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards,
Rachel Stevenson, Lisa Alexander and Chloe Murray
P1 Class Teachers