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Good morning Room 6,

I cannot believe it, we have made it to the final week of Primary 4! I have been so incredibly impressed with the effort and hard work that you have all put into your learning this year. You really have had a triumphant year. 

For all of your hard work and the perseverance that you have shown, I have worked with Miss. Young to plan a very exciting class trip. From Monday 22nd June 2020 - Wednesday 24th June 2020, we will be going to... DISNEY WORLD!

Please find attached this week's home learning grid with a range of activities that can be completed. I will be going into more detail on Google Classroom for our class trip and hope that those of you not on our classroom will join us for our last week and to say goodbye. Our code is syg72hc .

Might I add that it has been an absolute pleasure teaching each and every one of you. I am immensely proud.

Take care and best of luck for Primary 5,

Mr. Cairns