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Good morning boys and girls. Another weekend has just flew past! Hope you had a lovely time. Busy week for you ahead, so as always please have a look at your grid and complete what you can. Remember to keep your maths transition jotter neat and in good condition to take with you to Stonelaw on your first day in August.

Final call for you to send me your hopes and dreams; baby photo, favourite Bankhead memory or Leavers poem to me. Remember these can also be recorded and sent; doesn't have to be written down. I will see you all on Wednesday at your allocated time; it is vitally important you come at this time. Do not come at any other time; we have to ensure all guidelines are being met. It is chance to see some classmates and teachers :-)

Finally, enjoy your transition event on Friday! It must be very exciting. Remember to check emails, a lot of information was sent your way last week. You do not have to wear your uniform when there and you do not need to take anything with you at all. As always, if you have any questions please get in touch, I'm here always. I am in the school building today, so will get back as soon as i can. Stay safe boys and girls. Look forward to seeing you all Wednesday. I have missed you all very much. Miss Boyd 😊