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Well done to Everyone reading this! Well done to you all. We're not quite there yet but things are changing and it is clear many people have put a lot of effort into social distancing and into trying to stick to the rules as best as they can. We know that the numbers are improving steadily and, on the basis of what most people have been sharing, everyone wants to make all that effort count, by keeping to the rules for as long as is necessary in order to make it all work.
However, as things begin to change have you prepared yourself for the changes that may come? There have been reports of children having become a little bit reserved or shy with relatives because it's been such a long time sine they've seen each other. If this is you or you family, or if you think it might be your family have you thought about how to address this. Have you chatted with grandparents about how you want to manage meeting up again? In your family is it important to do this? Have you considered the need for little ice breakers when you all get back together again? If you're going to be meeting with no hugs yet have you all chatted about how to do this? Think carefully about how to manage all the expectations, of every generation and remember listen carefully and be kind. 
On that note, many adults are looking at phased or part time returns to work. When you return to familiar settings it may be at that point all the strangeness of the last few weeks may hit you like a wave. There's been some evidence of this already. Some people have been tearful, some people have been anxious. Please remember when meeting friends and colleagues you've not seen for a while, be kind. Be kind to yourself and be kind to the people you meet. It costs nothing to be kind but the kindness itself is worth its weight in gold; it makes an enormous difference. If you have been helped by the kindness and understanding of a work colleague, then pass that kindness on and you will be the one who is making a difference.