Welcome to our Website!

Welcome To Bankhead Primary School's Website

Welcome To Our School

Welcome to our new website.  We hope you will find all of the information you need here.  Please see the Resources section for any additional documents.
Follow us on Twitter and make sure you have downloaded the school app, to keep up to date with activities within the school.
Bankhead will SOAR.

Gerry Hamill


28-03-2025 11:45: Nursery Lunch Menu

Start Time: 28-03-2025 11:45

End Time: 28-03-2025 12:15

Additional Info: Alan Apple's Starter: Fresh Fruit. Chris Corn's Blue Tray: Fish Fingers and Wedges with Tomato Sauce and Peas. Sally Strawberry's Red Tray: Veg Burger with Diced Potatoes, Tomato Sauce and Peas (V) (Ve). Colin Carrot's Sandwich Selection: Cheese or Tuna Sandwich, Cucumber Batons. Paula Pineapple's Dessert: Yoghurt (V). (V) Vegetarian (Ve) Vegan Fresh salad is available daily, Fresh chilled drinking water available daily

28-03-2025 12:15: Lunch Menu

Start Time: 28-03-2025 12:15

End Time: 28-03-2025 13:00

Additional Info: Starter: Fresh Fruit Selection. Blue Tray: Fish Fingers and Chips with Tomato Sauce and Peas. Red Tray: Veg Burger with Diced Potatoes, Tomato Sauce and Peas (V)(Ve). Sandwich Selection: Cheese or Tuna Sandwich, Cucumber Batons. Dessert: Ice Cream (V). (V) Vegetarian (Ve) Vegan Fresh salad bar, drinking water available daily, Milk cartons can be purchased at an additional cost through the ParentPay system

31-03-2025 11:45: Nursery Lunch Menu

Start Time: 31-03-2025 11:45

End Time: 31-03-2025 12:15

Additional Info: Alan Apple's Starter: Fresh Fruit. Chris Corn's Blue Tray: Homemase Tomato Pasta Bake with Sweetcorn (V). Sally Strawberry's Red Tray: Mince Pie with Baby Potatoes and Sweetcorn. Colin Carrot's Sandwich Selection: Cheese or Tuna Sandwich, Cucumber Batons. Paula Pineapple's Dessert: Yoghurt (V). (V) Vegetarian Fresh salad is available daily, Fresh chilled drinking water available daily

31-03-2025 12:15: Lunch Menu

Start Time: 31-03-2025 12:15

End Time: 31-03-2025 13:00

Additional Info: Starter: Fresh Fruit Selection. Blue Tray: Homemade Tomato Pasta Bake with Sweetcorn (V). Red Tray: Mince Pie with Baby Potatoes and Sweetcorn. Sandwich Selection: Cheese or Tuna Sandwich, Cucumber Batons. Dessert: Yoghurt (V). (V) Vegetarian Fresh salad bar, drinking water available daily, Milk cartons can be purchased at an additional cost through the ParentPay system

01-04-2025 11:45: Nursery Lunch Menu

Start Time: 01-04-2025 11:45

End Time: 01-04-2025 12:15

Additional Info: Alan Apple's Starter: Lentil Soup (V) (Ve). Chris Corn's Blue Tray: Cheese and Tomato Pizza with Diced Potatoes and Carrots (V). Sally Strawberry's Red Tray: Chicken In a Bun with Wedges and Carrots. Colin Carrot's Sandwich Selection: Cheese or Tuna Sandwich, Cucumber and Tomato Salad. Paula Pineapple's Dessert: Fresh Fruit Selection. (V) Vegetarian (Ve) Vegan Fresh salad is available daily, Fresh chilled drinking water available daily


Room 3 Party

Good morning,

Room 3 will be having a party on Tuesday 2nd of April as a reward for all their hard work. The children will be provided with a small snack to enjoy. If you have any allergy concerns, please contact the office.

Thank you, 
Miss Rooney


Room 3 Learning Lowdown

Good afternoon,

Please find attached Room 3's Learning Lowdown for the week.

Have a lovely weekend, 
Miss Rooney

Room 3 Learning lowdown 28.03.25.pptx (1).pdf

Change for Charity - Friday 28th March 2025

A reminder that it is Change for Charity tomorrow so children do not need to wear school uniform. No football strips or football affiliated clothing.


Parents' Evening - Thursday 27th March 2025

We look forward to welcoming you into the school for our parents' appointments tomorrow afternoon and evening. Please make sure you arrive in good time for your appointment.
As well as your appointment you'll get a chance to:

  • have a look through some of your child's work from this session
  • fill in a survey to help us improve the school
  • Have a tea / coffee provided by Friends of Bankhead
  • Have a look through and buy books from the book fair
  • Have a look at some of the books we have recently purchased
We want you to enjoy our parents' evening. The Senior Management Team will be on hand to chat about anything school related - or not. We are happy just to have a blether!

The letter attached gives some more information on the arrangements for Parents' Evening.

See you all soon.

Info letter re. Parents ' Evening 27.3.25.docx

P7 NEC Young Scot Card Consent Forms

To Parents and Carers,

Just a reminder that the NEC Young Scot Card consent forms are to be returned to school before Monday the 31st of March 2025.

Many Thanks,
Miss Magee and Miss Cochrane


P7 NEC Young Scot Card Consent Forms

To Parents and Carers,

Just a reminder that the NEC Young Scot Card consent forms are to be returned to school before Monday the 31st of March 2025.

Many Thanks,
Miss Magee and Miss Cochrane


Woodwork - wood offcut plea

After Easter P4-7 are going to be taking part in some woodwork sessions.  We are on the hunt for any offcuts of wood you have have lying around. These should ideally be in a clean usable condition.
Please hand any you may have into the school office, for the attention of Mrs Urquhart.
Thanks in advance for any donations.

Untitled document (5).pdf

Movie Treat

Good morning,

I would like to have a wee movie afternoon with the children on Friday 28th March, as a wee treat for performing the showcase so well and for working so hard this term. 

We are going to watch the Disney movie called Brave, as it links with our Scottish topic. This movie is rated a PG, if anyone has any issues with their child watching this, then please contact the school office. 

The children can bring an extra snack to school on Friday and enjoy it whilst watching the movie.

Mrs Jolly


New P1 Starts - EmailI have sent an email with information regarding the transit

I have sent an email with information regarding the transition process and forms to complete to the email address you provided at enrolment.

If you haven't received your email; first, check your junk mail as it has gone there for a few people. I have not had any emails bounce back, which suggests I have the correct email addresses, so please check junk mail first.

If you still haven't received the email, please contact the school (0141 647 6967) and give your correct email address. Just a reminder: I have sent the email to the address provided at enrolment, so please check the email you enrolled with.

Kind regards,

Mrs McCusker
Depute Head Teacher


Room 1 Week Beginning 24-3-25

Good morning,
I hope you had a lovely weekend.

This week we are introducing the sounds 'th' and 'ng'.  We are also learning the common words 'they, all, are'.  A written task will come home today and new flashcards for both words and sounds.  Please cut these up and add them to your previous cards to use regularly at home.  There are games set on Education City too.

A new reading book will come home today called 'Top Dogs'.  If you have any other books at home please return these as soon as possible in your child's book bag.

In numeracy we are looking at data handling this week.  There is a fractions task coming home today based on the work we completed last week.

On Thursday it is our Parents Evening.  If you have not yet made an appointment and wish to make one please get in touch with the office.

On Friday it is Change for Charity with a suggested family donation of £1.

Please get in touch if you have any questions and have a great week.
Mrs Stevenson
